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The dachshund was bred in Germany hundreds of years ago to hunt badgers. https://www.poodlespring.com/ "Dach" means badger and "hund" means dog. The three varieties of dachshund, smooth-, Dachshund puppies for sale wire-,and long-coated, originated at different times. The smooth was the first and arose from a mixture of a miniature French pointer and a pinscher. The breed also comes in two sizes: standard and miniature, with the standard the original size.
The dachshund has short, strong legs that enable the dog to dig out prey and go inside burrows. Larger versions of the breed were used to chase deer or fox. Smaller dachshunds Dachshund puppy for sale were bred for hunting hares and ferrets.
The breed is still used for hunting, primarily in Europe, nine in dachshunds puppies for sale ches in height.All three types are known
The dachshund's coat may be shades of red, black, chocolate, white or gray. Some have tan markings or are spotted or dappled. Dachshunds live about 12 to 15 years. toy poodle for sale espite their size, dachshunds are known for their courageous nature and will take on animals much larger than themselves. Some may be aggressive toward strangers and other dogs.
As family dogs, dachshunds are loyal companions and good watchdogs. They are good with children if treated well. They can be slightly difficult to train.
Some dachshund fanciers say there are personality differences among the different varieties of the breed. For instance, the long-coat dachshund is reportedly calmer teacup poodles for sale than the smooth-coat variety,
Dachshunds are bred and shown in two sizes: Standard and Miniature. https://www.cutespupsforsale.com/ Standard Dachshunds of all varieties (Smooth, Wirehair, and Longhair) usually weigh between 16 and 32 pounds. Miniature Dachshunds of all varieties weigh 11 pounds and under at teacup poodle for sale maturity. Dachshunds that weigh between 11 and 16 pounds are called Tweenies. Some people who breed exceptionally small Dachshunds advertise them as Toy Dachshunds, but this is purely a poodles for sale marketing term, not a recognized designation. He's bred for perseverance, which is another way of saying that he can be stubborn. Dachshunds have a reputation for being dachshund puppies sale entertaining and fearless, but what they want most is to cuddle with their people. Longhairs are calm and quiet, and Smooths have dachshund for sale a personality that lies somewhere in between. Some Mini Dachshunds can be nervous or shy, but this isn't correct for the breed. Avoid puppies that show these characteristics.Like every dog, Dachshunds need early socialization-exposure to many different people, dachshund puppies for sale near me sights, sounds, and experiences-when they're young. Socialization helps ensure that your Dachshund puppy grows up to be a well-rounded dog.
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